Mustache lama dog

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Don't go to short or you'll end up with a toothbrush moustache, worn by Adolf Hitler and Robert Mugabe. To trim it, leave your mustache alone, but trim a straight line perpendicular to the corner of your lip, so the hair ends just before it. Grown slightly bushier and wider, this same basic mustache shape is known as the 'horseshoe', X Research source which is worn by retired wrestler Hulk Hogan. The mustache should end at the corner of your upper lip, or just beyond. To trim one, follow your upper lip line with a trimmer, carefully removing the hair between your nose and your lip, until a thin line is left.

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Kelly, and innumerable silent film villains, a pencil mustache looks as if it were drawn thinly on top of the lip with a make-up pencil. Try out the following short mustache styles:

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Since the style and the hair will be short, these styles will show up better the thicker and coarser the hair. Shorter mustache styles are best for men with very coarse, thick, and dark hair.

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